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«Sea Pearl Chalets Beach Resort»

India - Kerala - Varkala -  2019 - Sea Pearl Chalets Beach Resort - Papanasam Beach .jpg India-Kerala-Varkala 20191119 144613 1ThumbnailsKappil BeachIndia-Kerala-Varkala 20191119 144613 1ThumbnailsKappil Beach

The unique construction, tile and marble flooring with terracotta roof keep the Chalets cool during both the day and night.
Use of fans is kept to a minimum. Not forgetting to mention of course the incessant sea breeze.

Sea Pearl Chalets Logo

Sea Pearl Chalets Beach Resort

Papanasam Beach
Varkala, Trivandrum, Kerala, India.


The cost of living in the middle price range

Rating score
4.87 (14 rates)
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